Customer News
April 24, 2023
OEB Announces New Summer Electricity Price Periods
Standard switch in affect for TOU hours and the Tiered threshold, while rates remain unchanged.
May 1 to October 31, 2023
On May 1, 2023, summer Time-of-Use (TOU) hours and the change in the Tiered threshold for residential customers under the Ontario Energy Board's (OEB) Regulated Price Plan (RPP) will take effect and remain in place until October 31, 2023. Electricity prices for both remain unchanged.
New Ultra Low Overnight TOU Pricing Coming this Fall
Burlington Hydro will implement a new rate plan choice for residential and small business customers - Ultra Low Overnight TOU Pricing or ULO - this fall. It introduces a fourth bucket with lower prices overnight and higher prices for peak evening hours. Watch for more information coming early this fall.
Summer TOU Periods and Prices
Periods | Day of Week and Time | May 1 to Oct. 31 |
Off-Peak | Weekdays 7 pm to 7 am, and all-day weekends and statutory holidays | 7.4 cents per kWh |
Mid-Peak | Weekdays 7 am to 11 am, and 5 pm to 7 pm | 10.2 cents per kWh |
On-Peak | Weekdays 11 am to 5 pm | 15.1 cents per kWh |
Summer Tiered Thresholds and Prices
Tiers | Thresholds | May 1 to October 31 |
1 | Residential - first 600 kWh/month Non-residential - first 750 kWh/month |
8.7 cents per kWh |
2 | Residential - for electricity used above 600 kWh/month Non-residential - for electricity used above 750 kWh/month |
10.3 cents per kWh |
About TOU and Tiered Pricing Under the Regulated Price Plan (RPP)
The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) sets RPP prices - both TOU and Tiered - on an annual basis, on November 1. RPP prices are set based on a forecast of how much it will cost to supply RPP customers with the electricity they are expected to use over the next 12 months. Any variance between forecast and actual costs, whether a surplus or shortfall, is factored into the next price-setting.
With TOU prices, the price depends on when customers use electricity. There are three TOU periods - on-peak, mid-peak and off-peak. Prices are highest during on-peak, lower during mid-peak and lowest during off-peak. Under Tiered prices, a customer can use a certain amount of electricity each month at a lower price. Once that limit is exceeded, the price goes up. In the summer period (May 1 - October 31), the Tier threshold for residential customers is 600 kWh. The Tier threshold for non-residential customers is 750 kWh all year round. In the winter period (November 1 - April 30), the Tier threshold for residential customers is 1,000 kWh, so that during the heating season households can use more power at the lower price.