Be ready when the lights go out. Our outage map shows the locations of outages, the number of customers affected, when crews are on-site, and the estimated time for power to be restored. Updated every five minutes, 24/7.
Reporting Outages
To report a power outage or power outage emergency please call 1-877-310-4937. If You are In Imminent Danger Call CALL 911
See a downed pole, hydro line, or branches in contact with powerlines?
The powerlines and everything in the vicinity could be electrified. Keep 10 metres – 33 feet away.
Outage Tweets
During larger outages Burlington Hydro Tweets as information becomes available. These updates provide a sense of the size and scope of the outage and the overall response effort on a city-wide basis.
Our power restoration teams are committed to restoring electricity to customers as safely and as promptly as possible.

Outage Map
See where outages have been reported, the number of customers impacted, and the estimated time of restoration as it becomes available.
Damage to Your Meter Mast?

If your home’s electrical equipment is damaged after a storm, you need to know what equipment belongs to Burlington Hydro and what equipment is your responsibility to repair.
Things to Check Before You Call about Outages

Key Questions
- Do You See BHI trucks already in the area?
- Is the Outage Limited to Your Home?
- Have you searched your street on our web-based Outage Map
- If it's a major outage or extreme weather event, have you checked our twitter page @Burlingtonhydro?