How to Get on the Registry
Life Support Notification
Customers on electrically-powered life support systems are advised to make arrangements to prepare for scheduled or unpredictable power outages.
Customers who depend on electrically-powered medical equipment, such as a kidney dialysis machine or a ventilator are welcome to self-declare and be placed on the Burlington Hydro Life Support Registry. If your name is on our registry, we will make every reasonable effort to inform you of scheduled power outages and when power is being restored after an unpredictable outage an attempt will be made to be sensitive to needs of the customers on the registry. For more information contact Customer Service at 905-332-1851.
Suggestions for Customers using Life Support Equipment
- Keep phone numbers of emergency response agencies (e.g., 911, hospital, fire department, police) in a convenient location, in the event emergency assistance is needed.
- Have an alternate plan in place to ensure the continuity of any life-support needs. This may include making special arrangements to spend time with a friend or relative during an outage, going to the hospital, using a back-up generator or uninteruptable power supply (UPS).
- Electric garage door openers will not operate during any power interruption. Have an alternate plan.
- If using a back-up generator, customers are responsible for the safe installation, use, and maintenance of any back-up power.
- Purchase equipment that has battery back-up. Remember to keep the battery charged and to test the battery every six months.
- Ensure that you have a back-up telephone if you use a cordless or other telephone that is dependent on electricity.
- Have a battery-powered radio on hand and a supply of fresh batteries to stay aware of news and other information.
- Keep an emergency box or bag of supplies, such as medical items, flashlights and candles, packed at all times. It's much easier to locate one box or bag of supplies in the dark rather than searching around the house looking for each item. For more information on Emergency Preparedness see the Region of Halton.