Tree Trimming Maintenance Program
As trees mature, the potential danger of tree branches/limbs coming into direct contact with powerlines is increased. Add a severe storm or high winds into the mix, and those same trees/limbs could fall on powerlines, a scenario that contributes to a significant portion of all outages.
Burlington Hydro's preventive tree maintenance program is an ongoing initiative to help mitigate outages and equipment damage. Do your part by observing tree planting and landscaping regulations. In addition to being unsafe, landscaping in breach of guidelines can cause equipment failure and impede our crew's access during outages or routine inspections.
As part of Burlington Hydro’s ongoing commitment to provide reliable service, a comprehensive tree trimming program is in place. A rotating 3-year maintenance schedule – covering all of Burlington Hydro’s service territory - is aimed at mitigating outages that are caused by tree limb contacts. The standard practice is to maintain a 10 foot clearance from the primary powerline.
Residents are notified by a hand-delivered letter usually a week or two in advance of tree trimming activities in their neighbourhood. This maintenance work is followed by a clean-up of related debris, costs of which are covered by Burlington Hydro.
In addition to regular tree trimming maintenance, Burlington Hydro is often contacted by tree trimming service companies who are removing/trimming trees and providing related landscape services to various clients. In such cases, every effort is made to provide at least 48 hours notification to customers if the power in the neighbourhood is to be interrupted for this purpose. Any costs related to customer-contracted work is not covered by Burlington Hydro. Please be aware that Burlington Hydro is not responsible to repair or provide tree trimming services around telephone and coaxial cable lines (telephone and cable providers must be called in such cases).
For Tree Trimming services, please contact us at: